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  • How to read personal loan statement of account?

By Geethapriya Srinivasan


April 10, 2024

How to read personal loan statement of account?

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It is important to have a good understanding of SOA’s meaning in loans. SOA is the Statement Of Account or personal loan statement for borrowers, and it helps them manage their repayments effectively. 

This blog aims to give insights into how each element of a personal loan statement plays a big role in transactions.


Basic Elements of a Personal Loan Statement

Crafting a detailed personal loan statement involves incorporating a lot of key elements to get a clear idea of the loan’s details and financial problems. Let’s check out the  breakdown of the basic elements:

Loan Account Details

The important section in the Statement of Account is Loan Account details, which include the account number, lender’s name, and borrower’s name.

Statement Period and Frequency

It shows the time covered by the statement and how often it will be generated (monthly, quarterly, or annually).

EMI (Equated Monthly Installment)

The monthly payment covers both principal and interest, which manages systematic loan repayment.

Current Payment Overview

The current payment status should be displayed, including outstanding principal balances, interest accrued, and the total amount owed.

Activity on Your Loan

This section outlines any alterations or transactions, such as payments, interest charges, or incurred fees, providing a transparent view of the loan’s history.

Important Additional Information

The inclusion of crucial details like loan agreement terms, interest rates, repayment schedules, and default provisions falls under this section.


How to find your personal loan statement

  1. Go to your lender’s website or mobile app. Provide your loan account number and other necessary details during the login to access your loan account.
  2. Locate the loan statement section. Look for options like “Loan Statement” or “Account Statement” in the menu.
  3. Download the e-statement. Most lenders offer the option to download your loan statement in PDF format. You can typically find this choice under “Download Statement” or “View Statement.”
  4. Request a physical statement. If you prefer a hard copy, you can request one from your lender, keeping in mind that this may take longer and could involve a fee.
  5. Check your email. Some lenders send e-statements to your registered email address. Verify your email information and check your inbox for the statement.
  6. Use the lender’s mobile app. Many lenders have these mobile app features for easy access to your details and loan balance. You can download the banking app on your smartphone and register to stay updated. 
  7. Go for e-statements. Most loan providers allow you to choose monthly or quarterly e-statements, which will be delivered to your registered email. This option helps to receive periodic electronic statements.
  8. Request a statement offline. Contact your lender’s customer service to request a statement offline if online access is challenging.


Components of a personal loan statement

A personal loan statement has different elements that may slightly differ among lenders, but typically it includes:

Loan Information: All the information about the loan amount, interest rate, loan type, tenure, and the overview of the loan terms.

Identification of Parties: Full names and addresses of both the borrower and the lender which can be asked for clarity and documentation.

Statement Period and Frequency: The duration of the statement covers and how often it is generated, whether monthly, quarterly, or annually.

EMI (Equated Monthly Installment): It is a fixed monthly payment, that the EMI covers both interest and principal and manages systematic loan repayment.

Current Payment Overview: This current payment status includes outstanding principal balance, accrued interest, and the total amount due, to showcase the financial standing.

Activity on Your Loan: It outlines all the changes or transactions on the loan, such as payments, interest charges, or incurred fees, offering a clear history.

By combining theoretical insights with practical guidance on accessing statements and explaining SOA meaning in loans, SOA in finance, and SOA in banking, this blog aims to empower borrowers with the knowledge to navigate their financial journey confidently. 

Stay informed, stay empowered, and let your loan statement be your financial ally.



How often will I receive my personal loan statement of account?

The frequency of personal loan statements can vary among lenders, typically generated monthly, quarterly, or annually. Opting for e-statements is also an option, with periodic delivery to your registered email address.

How do I interpret the transaction details in my personal loan statement of account?

Transaction details in your personal loan statement usually encompass information about payments, interest charges, and incurred fees. Interpretation involves reviewing your loan agreement's payment schedule, interest rate, and other terms. For any queries or concerns, reach out to your lender's customer service.

Can I access my personal loan statement of account online?

Indeed, most lenders permit online access to your personal loan statement through their website or mobile app. Downloading the statement in PDF format or viewing it directly on the website is typically an option. Additionally, you can choose e-statements for periodic delivery to your registered email address.

Got any questions or point of view on our article? We would love to hear from you. Write to our Editor-in-Chief Jhumur Ghosh at [email protected]

Author details

Geethapriya Srinivasan

Geethapriya Srinivasan is a content writer for blogs and social media. With a passion for marketing, she serves as the head of content marketing at a premier growth marketing company in India. She is known to simplify complex concepts and make them easy to understand. Also, her work on video and infographic ideations adds a touch of visual brilliance to every project.